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Prithvi is an upcoming mobile application that offers a collection of games and activities related to climate change in order to raise awareness about the climate crisis in an entertaining way. 

Prithvi is a Sanskrit name that means Earth. We chose this name because, as the creators of this application, it is a representation of our identity. It is also related to the bigger theme of sustainability that is prevalent in our gaming app. 


Key Features

Version 6.221 (21.04.2021)

Prithvi is an entertaining combination of activities and a choose-your-own-adventure game. You travel the earth, observe the destruction of ecosystems and loss of biodiversity, similar to what’s happening off-screen in our world today. It reveals the devastating impact on rainforests, oceans, the arctic, and more. Your adventure leads to puzzles, trivia, word games, and various fun activities that show you the severity of the climate crisis, in turn raising awareness. 
The tour around our collapsing climate hopes to convince its users to do their part in protecting the Earth- both on-screen and off. 



Business Idea- Prithvi




"This is really nice and interactive approach from the team to the very important topic of Climate change. Fortum is interested in learning more about the project and to discuss further the implementation possibilities."

March 30th 2021
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